Monday, May 16, 2011

And the winners are .... Classes and Convention

Raffle Winners are Grinners!

The Edmonton Community Kindy Fright Night was a huge success last Friday night and our Stampin' Up raffles raised almost $600! THANK YOU!

And the winners are:-

Major Prize 1 - Margaret Hyytinen (Tully Heads class)
Major Prize 2 - Tammy Thornton (Tuesday morning class)
Major Prize 3 - Mette Nordling (Shannean's team)

Major prize winners have won a tray of Stampin' Up! goodies valued at over $300!

Minor Prize Winners:-

  1. Jocie (Cairns demonstrator)
  2. Jocie (yes - twice!)
  3. Donna Williams-Porter
  4. Gaynor Berry
  5. Brenda Robinson
  6. Leigh Turner
  7. Kirstyn Macgregor
  8. Jackie Collins
  9. Donna (WGC)
  10. Michelle White
  11. Noelene Walker
  12. Kelley-Jean Kendall
  13. Mette Nording
  14. Coral Wakeling
  15. Jodie Cox

Classes This Week

Tuesday 17 May 10.30am
Tomorrow's class will be a catch-up day and kits from previous classes will be available. Usual details:-

5 Capricorn Street, Bentley Park
3 cards for $20
All materials, equipment, tea & coffee provided.

Friday 20 May 7.30pm - Elements of Style class designed by Sandi McIver

5 Capricorn Street, Bentley Park
3 cards for $20
All materials, equipment, tea & coffee provided.

(Terrible photo! I've got my camera back from the shop so will set up the mini studio for the next photo!)

Please book in so I can prepare enough kits.

Convention - Melbourne

Convention did not disappoint! I had a great time - learned heaps and was totally inspired by so many of the Workshop WOWs.

Best news - hostesses during the month of June will receive an ADDITIONAL $70 to spend on top of the usual hostess gifts for a party with sales over $450 (not hard!). So, for a party with sales of $500, hostesses will receive $120 to spend + the free hostess stamp set(s). Wahoo! Please let me know if you can host a party during June...

A few snaps from the weekend:-

Shelley Gardner posed for some photos

With my friend, Suzanne

 Having some drinkies at the hotel

My up-up-up-line, Kim Gavarra (came 2nd Demonstrator of the year)

Some swaps I liked ...

I have many photos and swaps to show you next time you are over.

See you soon.

Happy days, Sally

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